Relationships are Complicated: Rails Active Record Associations

Photo by Cookie the Pom on Unsplash

Active Record Associations are what connects models with each other. It seems easy at first, but when you go deeper, it can be confusing.

When I was planning my Rails project, it took me a long time to decide on what to do because I keep on thinking about the relationships of each model. When I did make a decision, it was another dilemma for me when it comes to how each model should be connected with each other. I didn’t want to make it too complex so I just created three models.

As a reference, here are the six types of associations that Rails supports:

★ belongs_to

★ has_one

★ has_many

★ has_many through

★ has_one through

★ has_and_belongs_to_many

For my project, I just used the three most common associations (based on what I encountered): belongs_to, has_many, and has_many through.

